Results Show Full Transcript Scene 1: Music plays as the scene opens. Fading into the scene, the music appears to be coming from a stereo set at one end of a large out door patio overlooking a lake. Lilac enters followed by Laurel. Lilac: (Sighing happily) You know what? A girls weekend is just what we needed. Laurel: told you. Just us girls, no boys, no coding, no players breaking down the door. Just us, the lake, some cold drinks and the drone. Lilac: (Serving drinks) Is this cottage one of yours? Laurel: (Giving an amused snort) As if. I twisted Nate's arm. Nate: (In flashback) Hey hey! Ow ow ow! (Sounds of Nate getting his arm twisted) Okay! Fine! Jeez. Laurel: (In the present) And of course, he booked it all for me without a complaint. Say, where's Sarafina. Isn't she supposed to be here? Lilac: Oh, no, she is, she's just inside getting the remote for the stereo. (Lilac drops off her and Laurel's drink at the small table in the middle of the patio and walks over to the house to call inside.) Laurel: Sarafina! Sarafina! Hurry uuuup! Sarafina: (bustling in from inside the house) Sorry, sorry. It was buried under some old magazines and recipes for weird sandwiches. Laurel: Probably the boys. Lilac: Grody! Sarafina: Who would put half a starship in a sandwich anyway? Laurel: Um... Well... Lilac: Ewwww! Laurel: I mean... Have you tried it with spam? Lilac: Girl... You need help. Or just time away from Nate. (The girls take sips from their drinks as the song changes on the stereo.) Laurel: I say, Sarafina. Would you turn that up? That sounds familiar. Sarafina: Isn't that the recap from the talent show? (The Recap of the Talent Show Plays.) Scene 2: Fade back into the lake. Lilac: so anyway, then I said to her, girl you can't respond to that kind of stuff. They'll just... Hey... that's odd? Laurel: hmm? Lilac: Well... I ordered some more drinks and strawberries during the recap but... Nothing's showed up yet? I wonder what's going on? Where's the drone? (In parallel, the drone is still stuck in storage.) Drone: Hello? Hello? is anyone out there? I'm stuck in storage. Hello? (The drone scans his surroundings and tries again.) Drone: Hello? Drone: Would someone let me out? (The drone gets more frustrated as he hears no response.) Drone: I'm stuck in storage! (The drone attempts to open the cargo bay doors from the inside but fails. he droops for a moment, then he explodes in anger and frustration. As the view pulls away, the drone can be heard singing once more.) Drone: I've been sitting in this cargo bay. All the flippin' day. I've been sitting in this cargo bay, just to pass the time away... (Back with the girls, laurel gets up and heads for the house.) Laurel: I'll get it. (As Laurel goes, some ducks splash around in the water near by and hop up onto the deck, waddling around and pecking at the ground.) Sarafina: Aw, hey look, a duck! Several ducks! Lilac: do you think we can feed them? Sarafina: I heard bread's not good for them. Lilac: Oh... Right. Sarafina: Besides, they're probably owned by the king or something. Lilac: Nate owns the ducks? Sarafina: No! the king! Not The head host. Lilac: Ooooh. But does Nate own ducks? (The door opens and one of the ducks leaps into the water. laurel enters, pushing a drinks cart.) Sarafina: Laurel, does Nate own ducks? Laurel: I should hope not. (The ducks sneak back onto the deck and one of them pecks over to where Laurel is serving drinks looking a bit shifty.) Lilac: Aw, come on! Surely a little bread won't hurt! Sarafina: I'm so allergic. Lilac: (Giggles) you are not! Sarafina: (sneezes a ball of fire as one of the ducks gets close to her) See? Allergic! Lilac: that was such a fake. Laurel: ah... Actually. Fake or not, we seem to have a bit of a fu-- Lilac: Laurel! this is a kids show! Laurel: A ducking issue, rather. Lilac: Totally. Laurel: (Walking over to the duck that had been hounding her with a glowing knife in hand) Or rather, a duck transformation issue. (Laurel makes a grab for the duck, and it begins transforming into Nate before the two ducks teleport away. A disk falls to the deck where they'd been.) Sarafina: Oops? (Laurel picks up the disk and holds it to the light.) Laurel: It's a record. Lilac: A what? Sarafina: Probably a British thing. Lilac: Oooooh. laurel: In theory if I just spin it on my finger, and a touch of hostly magic... I've seen Nate do this a thousand times... (As the disk begins to spin on laurel's finger, voices begin to blare from it, and the scene changes to the recording booth in the admin area.) Eli: (Fumbling with the microphone) Is this on? Nate: How should I know, old man? Eli: Well, you know. You did set it up old chap! You told me it was some British thing! Nate: well I don't know old fellow I just found it in the attic with all the ballballs! (Nate takes the microphone from Eli and begins fiddling with it.) Eli: the what? Nate: the ballballs from the Christmas talent show! Eli: The ball... Ahh forget it old chap. It's working. Probably. I hope. Nate: Well I sure hope so, I mean if it's not, I'll feel right like a right thumping idiot for dragging down all these scenery props. I mean look I have fireworks... parrots... (Nate begins pointing to all the props with the microphone, sending the cord waving around.) Eli: Nate, Nate! It's a recording! Nate: I say... (Nate raises the microphone again, and feedback howls from the sound system.) Eli: Give me that microphone before you do yourself a mischief. Nate: Right you are. Let me just get the cable... and plug it in here... (Eli keeps trying to take the microphone, but Nate holds onto it as he tries to untangle the cable from his props while he was waving it around.) Eli: Yes yes alright alright! Here we go. The third place talent show entry is, Proud of your boy by MidnightShadow! Roll it! (Eli slams down a lever, and a glitchy machine whirs to life, playing the talent show entry on the sound system.) (As the song ends, Nate is fiddling with something.) Nate: Got it! Eli: Got what? (Nate brandishes his lighter and a massive firework..) Nate: Tada! (Lighting it, things immediately begin going wrong as one massive rocket launches high in the air and hits the domed ceiling of the admin area, setting both boys alight.) Eli: (screaming and dancing around) Get it of get it off get it off get it off! (The scene fades back to the girls and the record still spinning on Laurel's finger from which can be heard the chaos and Nate shrieking.) Nate: My trousers! My trousers are on fire! Scene 3: (Laurel hurls the still spinning record off into the lake where it disappears with a loud splash.) Laurel: Never! Again! Lilac: (laughing) girl your face! Laurel: (sounding begrudgingly amused) Honestly, the boys are just... There's no hope. Sarafina: I'm hungry, guys, should we all order in? Laurel: No drone, might as well... Lilac: oo! I know the perfect place, seriously like it has the best! I mean the best! Mushroom Beetroot Wellington ever! but first, girls, selfi! (The girls all get up and move in close, posing with the lake behind them.) Lilac, Laurel and Sarafina: Cosmic! (The picture is taken, and Lilac hurries over to the wall-mounted phone.) Lilac: giggling: Okay okay I'll go get the phone. Laurel: you dialing? Lilac: Mmhmm. We can order while on the phone they are totally cool like, no issues. Brandon: (in a dead voice over the phone) Panaxes Pizzas, Mexican, British and anything else you want. Can I take your order? Lilac: Like, oh my god so we need, like, (The girls all begin ordering and speaking over each other.) Sarafina: Oo! Nachos! Laurel: macaroni and cheese! Lilac: Pizza! Taquitos! Laurel: cheesy chips Sarafina: oo, oo! brownies! Need brownies! Laurel: cake! Definitely cake. Sarafina: Cookies! Lilac: (Excitedly) Ooh! Mushroom Beetroot Wellington! Laurel: Some spam? Lilac and Sarafina: Eeeewwww! Grody! Brandon: (On the phone with his voice being drowned out by rashes and chaos from the background) Um.. Sure. Can I put you on hold? Lilac: (sighs impatiently) I guess. Brandon: Thank you! At Panax Pizzas, Mexican, and anything else you want... (Over the phone, some new host can be heard shouting.) New Host: Hey hey, I need the stapler! I need to fix the pizza box again! Brandon: we value the customer. For your listening pleasure, our second place talent show entry, Brand new Day by Tunmi. (The song begins playing over the phone.) Scene 4: Brandon: (On the phone and sounding extremely cheerful out of nowhere) Thanks for holding, I have your order and it will be with you soon! Remember to tip your server! Have a wonderful day! Laurel: Say, didn't that guy on the phone sound familiar? Lilac: (Spotting something in the lake and giggling) Girls? Sarafina: It wasn't the drone. Laurel: No... Sarafina: definitely wasn't Dante. Lilac: (Giggling) girls... Laurel: Wasn't Eli. Lilac: (Laughing and pointing) Girls! Sarafina: What! Lilac: Look! (In the distance, Nate and Eli are rowing a boat, thinking they're being stealthy.) Nate and Eli: And one, and two, and to me, and to you, and to me, and ... (Something goes wrong, and they both tumble overboard. The point of view shifts to be near the boys as they flounder around in the water. Nate: Bloody blue blazes blooming bulwarks! ! Too much! Eli: Well, you did say to me! Nate: Yes but not that much, old chap! Now the first place talent show entry is ruined! It's all soggy! (In deed, a package is sinking deep into the lake.) Eli: Well, I told you taking the boat out was a bad idea! Nate: (Sounding dejected) Yes well, Laurel stole the car. lilac: (Gasping) you stole the car? Eli: (Hushing Nate and ducking down beside the capsized boat) Do you think they've seen us? Laurel: Borrowed. temporarily. Nate: Hmmm... I don't think so. We are rocks, old chap. Eli: We can't both be the rock. You could be Stone Cold Steve Austin. Nate: (Splashing Eli) No, a rock, you blasted fool! Eli: Oh right. Yes. A rock. Silent. Nate: Unmoving. Eli and Nate: Innocent... Stone... Nate: You... are a rock. (The two boys curl up a little, trying to look like rocks but failing since rocks don't generally float in the middle of the lake and don't tread water to stay on the surface.) Laurel: (Speaking loudly and pointing at the boys in the water) Look girls! Some simple rocks over there! Anyone fancy seeing who can hit one with a strawberry? Lilac: (Speaking equally loudly and exaggeratedly) OH! sure! Good idea! Nate: do you think they know? (The two boys are suddenly pelted by a volley of strawberries that hit them in the head and face!) Eli: Well they do now! Eli and Nate: Leg it! (The two boys teleport out in an explosion of water.) Sarafina: I swear they get dumber every show. Scene 5: (The final scene begins in the drawing room of the house and a doorbell ringing accompanied by a pounding on the door.) Lilac: oh my gaud food! (The girls thunder down the stairs chaotically.) Laurel: I got it! Sarafina: I'm closer! Lilac: I got it! (The girls fling open the door, and someone familiar is standing there holding a massive sack of food.) Lilac, Laurel, and Sarafina: (Simultaneously) Braaaaandon! Brandon: I have an order here from Panaxes er. Just from Panaxes. Lilac: totally! Come in! (Brandon staggers inside, heaving the bags with him.) Laurel: Give me a couple boxes Brandon. Brandon: Thanks hon. Sarafina: Wow... Did we order that much? Brandon: It's fine. (Brandon and Laurel carry the food into the dining area and set the food down on the big table with a crash.) Brandon: So, because you ordered so much... Lilac: Excuuuse meee? (All the girls give Brandon a look.) Brandon: (Looking briefly nervous) So... Many delicious things! We included a complimentary first place talent show entry! Laurel: Oo! Lets open that first! Which box. Sarafina: this one I think. (All three girls begin pulling the wrapping of.) Laurel: 1. Sarafina: 2 Lilac: 3! (The box gets ripped open, and a shower of gold sparks and a fanfare echo's throughout the house.) Laurel: the first place winner of Lilac: Rage cationing with the stars. Sarafina: The 5th Cosmic Rage talent show... Lilac, Sarafina, and Laurel: Speechless! By Clafilia! (The act plays.) Epilogue (In the storage bay, the drone is still there all alone, and it looks as if a lot of time has past if the dust on everything is to be believed.) Drone: Helloooo? (The drone turns and moves slightly as sad music plays in the background but suddenly, there's a record scratch.) Drone: right! That's it! I've had it! I'm done being the butt of everyone's jokes. Cleaning up fireworks... Parrot droppings... Suggestions... I'm done! you hear me! (As the drone rants, he slowly begins growing larger and larger, twisting and deforming.) Drone: Next time, I'm running it. I'm going to help myself! So you better watch, hosts! I'm coming for you! (The drone laughs evilly, and a massive gun swings down from his casing. With one final sound, he blasts through the side of the storage bay and...)